Bridging Strategies – Leadership Perspectives for Introducing Change
by Dr. J. Robert Clinton
Change happens. It can be deliberate. Most of the time it is not. This resource (pdf file) helps leaders bring about change by virtue of their giftedness, role, and vision. Particularly is this true of leaders in power roles???senior pastors and organizational heads (p. 381 pages).
For those with position power there is usually not a deliberate calculation of change being implemented nor is there any anticipation of ramifications other than the direct implementation of whatever the power leader is wanting. But it is different for those not in power roles to bring about change. Usually it must be deliberate and well thought out if anything is to happen. In either case, power roles or not, Change could be more effective and less traumatic if those involved in them knew more about change dynamics???the principles, processes, people/roles involved, timing and patterns which accompany change. This manual intends to expose some of those dynamics so that leaders can be more deliberate in assessing the change they introduce.
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