Having a Ministry That Lasts – Becoming a Bible Centered Leader
by Dr. J. Robert Clinton
This is a major work (pdf file) which defines a Bible centered leader and gives a Life Long Bible Mastery Paradigm based on the concept of core, that limited number of Bible books and materials that a given leader should master over a lifetime.
Gives the Equipping formula and guidelines for habitual input from the Word over a lifetime. Defines 4 types of communication events for using the Word with impact. This manual contains numerous examples of core material and examples of all seven leadership Includes genre (Biographical, Direct, Indirect, Book as a Whole, Macro Lessons, leadership acts, parabolic). This manual represents Dr. Clinton's best from the last 12 years of research on leaders who finish well and on studying the Bible for leadership findings. Most leaders who finish well are Bible centered leaders. (437 p.)
Hard Copies of this resource can be obtained through the Fuller Seminary Bookstore:
Phone: Fuller Bookstore 626 584 5350
Website: http://www.fullerseminarybookstore.com
Bookstore email: [email protected]