Leadership Emergence Theory Manual
by Dr. J. Robert Clinton
This resource is a self-study manual (pdf file) designed for analyzing the development of a Christian Leader. It provides a comprehensive overview of the three major factors (processing, time, and leader response patterns)
that interweave together as God shapes a leader spiritually, ministerially, and strategically over a lifetime to bring about His purposes and resulting ultimate contribution. This is the major text used in Dr. Clinton???s Life Long Development course???the foundational course in the leadership concentration at Fuller Theological Seminary since 1982. (456 p.)
A Self-Study Manual For Analyzing the Development of a Christian Leader
Hard Copies of this resource can be obtained through the Fuller Seminary Bookstore:
Phone: Fuller Bookstore 626 584 5350
Website: http://www.fullerseminarybookstore.com
Bookstore email: [email protected]