The Bible and Leadership Values – A Book by Book Analysis

by Dr. J. Robert Clinton

This manual (pdf file) analyzes each book in the Bible as a whole for its contribution to leadership lessons. Each analysis of a book gives an overview of the book as to historical background, theme, and plan as well as contributions to leadership findings.

Analyzes common lessons across the Bible books, called macro-lessons. Motivates toward learning and teaching the Bible from a macro standpoint--the broader perspective. (400 p.) Six leadership eras are identified: Patriarchal, Pre-Kingdom, Kingdom, Post-Kingdom, Pre-Church, Church. Each book is placed contextually in its leadership era and evaluated in terms of contribution to leadership, as understood in that era. Leadership lessons from each book and suggestions for further study are given.

Hard Copies of this resource can be obtained through the Fuller Seminary Bookstore:

Phone: Fuller Bookstore 626 584 5350
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Price $10.00
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The Bible and Leadership Values – A Book by Book Analysis