Habakkuk – Hope for a Leader in Troubled Times
by Dr. J. Robert Clinton
Individual Commentary (pdf file). The leadership lessons from Habakkuk should have widespread acceptance from leaders today. Essentially, we live in a world, which offers little or no hope. Hope is what we need. Habakkuk tells us how to get hope in the midst of hopeless times. The basic answer, that the ???just shall live by faith??? still rings true today.
It identifies 7 important leadership topics/lessons and principles derived from these topics. Finally there are 40 leadership articles totaling 208 pages describing various aspects of leadership seen in Habakkuk. All leaders at one time or other will face a faith crisis such as Habakkuk did. The shaping activity of God to instill faith in a leader is very instructive.
This book is one of a series of Biblical leadership commentaries. The leadership commentary on Habakkuk involves an overview of the book of Habakkuk, i.e. a recognition of the contribution of the book as a whole to the Bible. Then there is the actual leadership comments on the text.
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